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  • How to Provide Separate Prices for Customers

       (0 reviews)

    Darth Moxy

    You can use pricing adjustments to give a different price 'bracket' or 'tier' do separate customers. The recommended way to do this is to first tag each company with a tag that represents their discount tier. For example:

    "20% Discount"

    "10% Surcharge"

    "15% Discount"


    Then, you can go into your pricing adjustments, from settings, and create an adjustment that targets each tag that you created, from the "Company" drop down menu. Choose "Use Tags", then enter or search for the tag that corresponds to the adjustment.

    Now, you can create a new order, select a company that has that tag and the order will be adjusted accordingly. Remember to choose the company FIRST so that Allmoxy loads in the applicable adjustments, otherwise you will see an un-adjusted price.

    You can create an adjustment for a single company, without using tags, and it will work just the same.

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