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Everything posted by Juan

  1. Hi, Derek! There sure is! All you would have to do is create a part attribute in a part, and in that part attribute, put the variable --or formula being used-- for the per sqft price. Then make sure the part is selected to show up on the desired output page and you should see it as long as the part attributed that is associated with the Qty is not 0.
  2. That information would be included in a variable the same say all the other information is. Unfortunately, Allmoxy is limited by the CV Job loader and anything CV doesn't recognize as an override will not change in CV. You can create the attribute and have a place for the customer to enter that information, that way you have it to enter manually once the job is in CV.
  3. The ability to tie multiple supply items to a single row in an attribute would be life changing. Eliminating redundant edgebanding attributes would just be the start.
  4. To use a result of a formula in an export formula, you will need to create a Part Attribute on the respective Export Part and write your formula there. Doing so will create a "this_part" variable that can now be used in the export formula. For example, if I needed the panel width in the export formula I would create a part attribute call "Panel Width" and write a formula like (door_width - (stile_width*2)+inset_add). That will create a variable named "this_part.panel_width" that can be used in the export formula section of the part.
  5. I've used these types of validation on optional modification that, if opted for, need additional information. If the additional information is a value from an entry field, you need to go to that attribute and default it to "0". Once that's done, you need to create a validation with the conditions of "if this optional modification is opted for, and this addition info equals a 0, then fire." You will then white an action message saying something along the lines of "if this optional modification is opted for then you must provide the additional info".
  6. This is possible now that the Proxy Variables are working (proxy variables now make it possible to reference any other part attribute within a parts formula)! Follow these steps! 1. Create a proxy variable for each export (this is where you'll write the actual export formula). 2. Create a Part for the exporters in the Products that will need these exports. 3. In the export section of that part, you would write a formula that would have the conditions that will choose which proxy variable (export formula) to use.
  7. @PeteRudge is correct, but hiding the attribute will not work if you're wanting to tie your supply items to the attribute because there wouldn't be a way for the customer to change it.
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