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  • Knowledge Base

      1. General

        General system questions about Allmoxy and the software
      2. Sales / Customer Service

        Articles geared towards sales, branding, customer service, and customer relationship management
      3. Catalog Setup / Ecommerce

        Order settings, categories, products, products attributes, pricing, parts, and validations
      4. Operations

        Work flow, processes, time tracking, output pages, labels, scanning, exporters, shipping, and automations
      5. Financial / Accounting

        Financial settings, invoices, POs, financial reports, 3rd party accounting integrations
      6. Launch

        How to launch your site!
      7. Inventory / Supplies

        Inventory management, supply allocation, PO information
      8. Designer

        Initiation, configuration, integration, editing products, mapping
      9. B2B

        Info about the logic and processes to tactically connect and build a network of b2b connections
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