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  • Total Time on Job

       (0 reviews)

    Darth Moxy

    In the results tab of an order there's the labor section that has the total amount spent on the job for the labor, what I need is just the number of hours worked on the job. I know I could just take a calculator to the column right there, but for larger orders that seems unwieldy. 


    There's not a way for YOU to get the total on there, but I'm happy to bring it up with the development team as something we could maybe add to the results page. You would also benefit from using the Time Tracking report, which will show you total time on orders. I know it's not right on the order in the 'results' tab, but still gets you the info you need! Get to the Time Tracking report by going to Reports (pie-chart icon) -> Managerial -> Time Tracking.




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