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How do you use tags?

Sarah P

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Tags are a great way to group orders, products, or customers together and have an action apply to everything in the group.

Here's a few examples:

1. To offer a special discount to your wholesale customers, create a Wholesaler tag, add it to each wholesale company, then create a price adjustment only available to customers with the Wholesaler tag.

2. Want to discount a certain group of products? Tag the products that qualify, then set your adjustment to only include products with the correct tag.

3. Need to sort through Rush Orders? Want to track which salesperson closed each order? Simply add a tag to each order, then use the Orders report and filter by tag!

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We use tags for many different purposes, we couldn't operate our business without them.  Here are a few of our examples:

1. We have cabinet shop customers who use our Allmoxy site, but are required to purchase through a distributor.  When the cabinet shop places an order an email is sent to their distributor based on their tag "distributor xyz customer".  We can also use these tags to see how many customers a distributor has.  

2. Each customer is tagged with the appropriate inside sales person, so that when a customer places an order, the proper inside sales person receives the order and processes it in the system.

3. We grant access to certain products to select customers, so these customers are tagged with the product tag associated with this exclusive product.  

4. We have customer tags that identify what shipping method they can access, and also determines their shipping cost formulas.  (International, local pickup available, lift gate service required, etc).

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