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Help with recreating a scenario

Bryan Longa

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I've been trying to replicate the following scenario but so far have been unsuccesful, could you help me replicate it in a video capture so I can understand it?
The scenario (related to https://allmoxy.atlassian.net/browse/DEV-2328) is:

To replicate the issue:

  • Create new job in designer

  • Choose shaker door and drawer fronts and a solid wood face material

  • Put a few cabinets in the room. At least one door and one drawer front.

  • Send to MRP with the next button.

  • Save job

  • Go back to design view of that job and change doors and drawer fronts to decorative slab with a corresponding material.

  • At this point, only the drawer faces will change, doors will stay shaker. Materials will change for both drawer faces and doors.

  • Going to MRP will show the same and give validation errors for door style / materials that don't work together on doors.

I don't understand what a shaker door or a drawer front exactly means and how can I work on this.

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