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Help finding a report

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Hello Allmoxy users! I'm looking for a report and not finding what I need, so hoping someone else has had the same experience and can help.

We would like to track our leads times, so I need a report that can show me the estimated ship date and what the actual ship date was.

Can that be found somewhere?

Thanks, Linda

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Hi Linda! We don't really have any reports that have those two data points recorded next to each other, the system sort of treats the "ship date" as one continuous value that happens to get updated as the order progresses... If we were to have a report like that I'm curious how it would be most accurate for you?

Would you want to see what the ship date was upon hitting verified status (I'm assuming that's the time when you guys will see the requested date and decide if you need to modify it before you start the job), and then compare it to the date the job actually hit shipped status?

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No, just what the estimated ship date was ( that was given to the customer) and what the actual ship date was. Something simple that would tell us if we are running on time, early or late with orders. It's important for us to measure that data. Surprised the system can't track that!?

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Right, but at what point do you guys consider it the "date that was given to the customer?" Because on their side they can request a ship date if they want, but then on your side you can put in an "actual ship date" if the date the customer requested isn't feasible. I'm wondering at what point in the order process would be the best time to take the snapshot of the estimated ship date?

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I understand you were just trying to quickly see if we had a report that showed what you're asking, but since we don't I'd like to put a ticket in as a feature idea - that's why I'm poking and prodding with the details of exaclty what you'd want it to do!  I'll add a ticket either way but if you have more input on this diea let us know!

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